Board Member

We offer our range of services to major international companies, family businesses, private equity funds, startups, medium-sized businesses and quasi-public corporations in each of our specialist sectors: life sciences / biotechnology, skin and beauty care, agri-food, greentech, animal health and data sciences / AI.

Gouvernance and Board of Directors

In recent years, corporate governance has regularly made the front pages and attracted close scrutiny from the regulatory authorities and shareholders. Under such international pressure, company boards need to take strides towards greater transparency and efficiency. In an ultra-competitive universe, it has become crucial to appoint transparent and diverse boards with a broad range of talents.

It is no longer a case of using personal networks to appoint independent board members, but rather of meeting the needs of appointment committees and recruiting non-executive and independent board members.

Taking into account these factors, our team makes a long-term commitment, in complete confidentiality, to helping you to create these multi-disciplinary entities that are consistent with the strategy and values of the company

Advice on governance :
Assessment of board and supervisory boards
Recruitment of non-executive chairs and independent board members
Recruitment of CEO
Organisation of handovers between senior personnel

Member of Executive Committee / Senior Executives

The recruitment through our direct approach and the assessment of senior executives is our core business. Thanks to the automating of our procedures, we have freed up our time to focus on the human qualities of senior executives and to ensure that they are well-matched to the culture of a company, thanks to our IN Search@ methodology

Assessment and recruitement of senior executives

- Assessment of management teams and senior executives

Within the framework of aligning strategy and managing handovers.
- Recruitment of members of the executive committee
Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Executive Vice President, Managing Partner, Secretary-General, Chairperson, Financial Director (IPOs), Director of Operations, Legal Director, Director of Research Engineering, Director of Communications, Director of M&A, Sales Director, Digital Director, Business Development Director, Human Resources Director, Marketing Director, Procurement Director, Subsidiaries Director, Transformation Director...

Handover arrangements
We assist you in developing efficient handover arrangements by identifying high-level professional experts well in advance so that tomorrow’s key posts can be successfully filled.

Handover arrangements for expert posts
- Create a pool of talent for future strategic posts
- Attract professionals with expertise and solid international experience
- Nurture a new generation of highly qualified individuals.

Handover arrangements for senior executives
This is often an issue that companies do not anticipate, since it is delicate. But we need to anticipate change in order to pre-empt any potential crisis in the company, to avoid risks and to protect the company’s reputation.
We help you to put into place these handover arrangements in complete confidentiality.