Life Sciences

The life sciences are converging with other industries and IN Search is contributing to that process.

We place our expertise at the service of companies which save lives and work towards a sustainable future by assisting with high-quality international recruitments that enable these innovative companies to have a global impact

Disruptive technologies adopted by biotechnology companies are transforming the value chain of the life sciences sector. These entities are becoming technology companies, while technology companies are becoming players in the healthcare sector. These two worlds are converging and giving rise to a number of advances :

The decompartmentalising of the various disciplines has led to the creation of the life science technologies sector. This has been underpinned by strong demand and the emergence of new disciplines. Companies need to adapt to this evolving landscape. IN Search is there to support you in these domains where we have genuine expertise.


In Search est présent à vos côtés pour vous accompagner sur ces recrutements que nous maîtrisons.Healthcare biotechnologies are revolutionising the sectors of human and animal medicine by driving forward research and developing vaccines and innovative therapies: genetic and cellular research (Alzheimer’s, diabetes, leukaemia), biopharmaceuticals (human insulin, antibodies, growth hormones, clotting factor concentrates), medicines produced by pharmaceutical chemistry, and diagnoses using DNA microarrays and biosensors. Organisms are being designed to produce antibiotics. Biotechnologies are gradually moving us towards personalised healthcare, underpinned by artificial intelligence.

In these fields of the biotechnology industry, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Pharmaceutical industry

The medicine market is evolving: Sales of medicines on prescription are growing. Sales of over-the-counter medicines (OTC) are set to double. Generic medicines account for a substantial volume of medicines sold around the world. Thanks to biotechnologies, biopharmaceuticals will account for a significant share of the market, with an increase in R&D. The pharmaceutical industry is contending with new challenges: 3D printed medicines that can be personalised; bioproduction in the fields of cellular / genetic therapies and viral vectors; combating counterfeit medications through blockchains and data matrix technologies.

In these fields of the pharmaceutical industry, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Medical equipments and products

The medical equipment and products industry manufactures a very broad range of products from bandages and scanners to braces, consumable and disposable items, breast implants, stents, hip replacement prostheses, diagnostic equipment, ventilators and ultrasound scanners. Laboratory and dental equipment, crowns, imaging equipment. Corrective glasses, products for disinfecting contact lenses, hearing aids and home healthcare.
It is a competitive market which needs to internationalise itself and expand into the fields of e-healthcare and connected medical equipment. The sector is also having to contend with increasing regulatory requirements.

 In these fields of the medical equipment and products, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.


In vitro diagnosis looks set to remain the largest segment of the Medtech field, followed by the cardiology, medical imaging and ophthalmology sectors. In recent years, the prosthesis/implant/replacement sector has had the wind in its sails thanks to connected products: 3D printing, software, artificial hearts, prostheses designed by 3D printers… Surgeons are now assisted by minimally invasive robotics during spine and brain surgery. Medtech is increasingly turning to artificial intelligence, e-healthcare and telemedicine.

In these Medtech fields, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Hospitals and clinics

Hospitals and clinics are seeking levers of growth. These days, clinics are competing with very large, multi-departmental hospitals to which doctors tend to refer their patients. The advent of artificial intelligence, genomics and robotics has already changed how patients are treated, with an increasing number spending only a day in hospital, even in the case of complex procedures. The private sector is continuing to consolidate with the help of private equity firms, is becoming increasingly international, and is improving its patient accommodation facilities and its regional networks by working more closely with health centres. These days, the number of clinics is rising and so they need to find ways to set themselves apart and to better exploit their innovations by developing more digital services aimed at both patients and doctors, as old people’s homes have already sought to do.

When it comes to hospitals and clinics, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.


Companies in the agri-food sector are setting themselves apart by innovating in terms of the nutritional quality of their products and by working with food biotechnologies to orientate their strategy towards products of a higher nutritional quality and with a better taste, while also seeking to increase the shelf-life of their food products (microbiologically and chemically). Innovations are also focused on the cold chain, transportation, packaging (eco-design) and storage. The agri-food industry, veterinary laboratories, the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries and health and environmental agencies are working together to reduce the health risks to consumers and prevent the emergence of pathogens through the human-animal interface.
Agri-food encompasses the dairy industry, oils, ingredients, the sugar industry, the meat industry (beef, pork, lamb, poultry), transformed foods, fruit and vegetables, and cereals. Organic agriculture is the final plank in the expansion of agri-food.

In these agri-food fields, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Data Sciences et Intelligence artificielle

Computer-aided interventions, remote patient monitoring, smart prostheses, personalised treatment by cross-referencing a growing body of data, big data, blockchains, the digitalisation of clinical trials and the gathering of feedback data provide evidence of the effectiveness of healthcare products. A transition is in the process of taking place, and meanwhile technology companies like Google are aiming to break into the highly regulated healthcare sector. We are also seeing the emergence of new services for patients through e-healthcare.

In these fields of data science, AI and e-healthcare, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Skin & Beauty Care

In dermatology, advances in knowledge are being made and new treatments that are more effective and less onerous are available for conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema which are generally ‘incurable’. Skin cancers like melanomas are steadily on the rise. These days they can be cured if detected early enough.

The cosmeceutical market (cosmetic products containing bioactive ingredients) is expanding rapidly. Creams and lotions specifically designed for dermatologists and aestheticians are much sought after. These cosmetic products containing biologically active ingredients are available on prescription or over-the-counter.

The cosmetics industry, which often works with pharmaceutical laboratories, is constantly reinventing itself. The trend is towards dermo-nutrition products, with new interest in living or fermented foods for our gastrointestinal microbiota. There is much talk of fermentation. For Galenists, oils are the latest hygiene products. Sunscreen products are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with researchers working on the creams of the future: UV filters and excipients. They are currently working on synthesising skin through 3D printing. Make-up with UV filters is booming. Microneedling can now be carried out at home. Meanwhile, the perfume industry is working with flavourists on ‘Smell The Taste’ (STT) perfumed molecules which adapt the flavours for use in alcohol-based perfumes.

The cosmetics industry is expanding very rapidly and targeting the Chinese market.

In these fields of skin and beauty care, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Dermal Fillers

These days hyaluronic acid (HA) is manufactured by microbial bio-fermentation. To extend the duration of the filler effects, the HA produced by these means is chemically altered by ‘crosslinking agents’.
For some time, the pharmaceutical and nutrition industries have been taking a close interest in aesthetic medicine. Turnover generated by injectable products like botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid looks set to more than double over the next ten years. Demand for these products in Asia-Pacific is soaring and Asian manufacturers are acquiring Western companies.

In the field of dermal fillers, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments


Innovations in greentech have led to major advances in the sectors of waste management and agri-food as well as the water, chemical (biorefineries), renewable energy and transport industries. There is the dream of smart cities that are powered by solar, wind and biomass energy, but also the creation of smart grids and the construction of more environmentally friendly buildings.

There have been interesting advances in the fields of water and waste management courtesy of biotechnologies for solid waste like biodegradable plastics, water sanitation and bioremediation through the use of enzymes and microbes. Bioremediation is now increasingly orientated towards soil remediation and solid waste.

The central challenge remains energy storage, whether it be the storage of electricity produced from alternative energies or the storage of heat generated by industry. Currently the most mature technology is that of lithium-ion batteries, a sector which has been driven forward by the advent of electric vehicles. One day such batteries could also be installed in buildings. There is also talk of hydrogen and rechargeable stations for vehicles.

In these greentech fields, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.

Santé Animale

The veterinary sector is consolidating itself through growth that is primarily driven by the pet market. Significant developments have included the commercialisation of innovative medicines, sometimes based on biotechnologies, for preventing infectious diseases as well as antibiotics, antiparasitics, vaccines, reagents and clinical studies. The veterinary sector is responsible for the safety of foodstuffs consumed - milk, meat and eggs - and for protecting the environment.

Animal nutrition is an evolving segment of animal health: feed that meets the specific requirements of all species of livestock (pigs, cows, chickens, rabbits, etc.) while also complying with the various regulations and certifications (food standards, certifications, organic standards, provenance labels, etc.). There is also a range of organic foods for dogs, cats, horses, etc.

In these fields of animal health, In Search is there to give you expert assistance with your recruitments.